Riksriggen is a modern wire-line core-drilling rig that complies with latest safety and environmental regulations. The Atlas Copco Christensen CT20C drill rig can handle three common hole/core sizes P, H and N (123/85 mm, 96/63 mm and 76/48 mm hole/core diameter, respectively) and has a depth capacity of around 1050 m, 1600 m and 2500 m, respectively (assuming a vertical water-filled hole). The rig is crawler mounted and equipped with a data acquisition system for monitoring and recording operational parameters, which is special designed by Lund University.
In-The-Hole equipment includes complete core retrieval systems for P, H and N-size cores including PHD, HRQ V-Wall and NRQ V-wall drill rods in sufficient length to cover the maximum drilling depth for each size. Both dual and triple tube core assemblies are accessible for each size. Other equipment belonging to the infrastructure are, amongst others, a mud cleaning and mixing system, cementing equipment, fishing tools, well heads and a blow-out preventer (BOP). The latter also fits the small hole dimensions. This is unusual as BOPs are normally used in conjunction with drilling large diameter holes. The infrastructure is complemented with a fully-equipped workshop container with an integrated 2.2 m3 diesel tank and a terrain-going truck with a crane and hook-system for equipment transport.
Furthermore, an advanced hydraulic testing system with single/straddle wireline packers in all three dimensions, pressure sensors and submersible pumps is part of the infrastructure. The geophysical borehole measurement system, necessary for obtaining as complete borehole information and documentation as possible, consists of nine probes: electrical logs, caliper, formation density, acoustic and optical televiewers, full waveform compensated sonic, fluid conductivity and temperature. The logging system has a cable capacity of 3000 m, but the majority of the probes have a pressure rating of 20 MPa. A gas and fluid sampler is also available.
Further information: Riksriggens homepage (in Swedish)